
taken to sighing?

the sea about the smile
has lips uncertain


strange proteins
remove unmarked

i view myself
in repeated mirrors
an echo for a voice

i’m wired to the horizon
of cobalt blossoms on panic,
every cell exerts lightning

unfurled sleep unravels,
the male knot is dreadful
and giddy with thirst

pearl enraged foam spheres,
the cradle’s splinters, but bridal urge
feelings shadow in preferred holes

doubt slivers
and every want on fullest gasp

neither before or aftermath
a face unrecognised from future past

there’s resurrection
gnawing as festooned
mammals with blunt enamel

gnaw deeply to infect
my un-resourceful heart,
eroding something lesser than was thought

delete the person that
came before,
i’m going whilst arriving

confetti bright men
a feeling of gorgeous shiver
but slightly absurd

likewise in tepid showers

the path’s moon crushed sombre, boastful of footprint secrets
secrets the numerous, corrosive years have sown,
would be drought and would be gold
here lies below tooth tombstones

in suitcase borrowed, place the never acquired rainbow,
for every star that was never reached
walk from the gleam sea horizon,
not to have known is a space i do not want

slow dreams dream me in them
reminiscent of lifelong staring,
finding the future unravelled
living has been cancelled

solitude dwells amongst untidy pillows
and sheets of bramble and blue draped bells,
enamel walls watch the sleeper well
where are you off to when sighing?

and i, as a child hung in cloud marshmallow
would follow that path’s illustrious snakes
turns, twists, bends and all!
eventually to emerge in twilight’s breathed breath
chased by fabulous pirates
heaving out last gasps
awaiting my trembling burst

no longer can I follow those paths
how obscure you have become,
the leaf roof lets slip cascades
fingers won’t work, window’s constant rain

where are those vague decades?
childhood pages blank,
how can you reminisce fading?
gradually i am being erased

likewise in tepid showers
pictures jar flitting fractured sparks,
the lover i dismantled
i don’t know who you are

likewise in tepid showers
yesteryear echoes dissolve
as if every calendar was killed,
past is beyond the hill

likewise in tepid showers
forget who you in mirror are
misplaced speech and slurs
am i so easily forgotten?


the surface is lit
what predator is under it?
continue swallowing emptiness
sigh in muscular precipice

i’m rainbow edged and
gallant as a heron on soar,
electrify the turquoise calm
why not enter my planet some more?

inches first then your soul

i cannot be this
tranquil city

take the spire
uproot the floor,
i’m a conduit for a
butterfly weather storm

colourful crashes
phosphorous synapses,
breathe thru’ me tempest more

this hole suits no one else
until your bones are worn
and pistons energy-less

nailed horizontal dreamers,
a stale duvet
a hundred names under it

the protein smell

once the yesterday of your taste is gone
and the bed is loneliness yawned
pierce thru’ me once more

unsuitable streets collect
glitter, and radar’s
complete trousers,
whose on the smile to snare me now?

ghost the beige cafe
too many stares lost in
cappuccino innards

the best glance is one
that says “fuck romance”
valentine is a balding man in abattoir thirteen

commit to the foe
to somehow
become my pheromone rainbow

exert such wishes
look to the wrists
skin has museums

throats are orchid rimmed

i collect holes,
forgettable mouths
are not for following

this surface
i am buried under it,
consider the threat of rootlessness

to stop at nothing
would belittle the upsurge of angst,
my achievable end
insert and possess everyone

sailing the veins that ozone the great weaver spins

ruin, there is so much ruin,
broken fathers, futile cities holler,
radiates sorrow

the hourglass completes the task
of suicidal dreamers,
we yearn sleep’s aftermath

belonging is alien and
forfeits why i wake daily
to pursue the chased clock

inert fellows hurtle
the day’s edge and
repeat what began

if dreaming is escapism
i am it’s mountain scape
but too scarce to glisten

if the sun burst
all fiery ingots and sword
entanglements, perhaps i would listen

skyward reminiscing
alabaster crimson,
arrogant blue sculpted citadels
glanced with vermillion

constellations soar edge to edge,
no universe could subdue
the chrome traveled horizon

oh to be a bird against the wind
what terrible seas but beautiful sapphire gleam,
avoiding man made peaks

below is startled languages
termite shuffle in shopping malls
most don’t belong skywards

clouds trundle changeling ghosts
such jewel loaded burdens,
too many appetites are frightened

and sure-footed the eagle clan
bronze feathers reunite
a copper sky appearance

we turn, incline our souls length wise
attempting the sun’s strength,
where all else flows

the page is sheer
and the precipice

i’ll not plummet so

everyone has their own ruin to gaze upon

armada’s armies

bed buries him
slim upon
someone else infatuation

duality surfaces
a cool event for
teardrops to scorch

below writhed are
constellations borrowed,
a convolvulus gargle

the teased serpent
cannot be held in
designer restraint

holes are for
going thru
regardless of whom

fuck him or her
or both
rid yourself in somebody else

every gargoyle
each poison when squeezed
holds the same sneer

erode the arse of proposal
discard the filled up person
an exit protocol

subdue the fierce hen
infect their weakness most,
take on the male lynx
depart your blood written message

draped are the plump,
pillow, pillar felines
most are drunk
on rose squabble thorn and
flamboyant wine finery

noose them,
allow yourself entry
thru’ out them sticky protein

wasted are the singing
stupor, muscle stags,
most unraveled
in cool lit neon bars
erased selves from monotone lives

“drunk omens
when sucking is made to mellow”

reach thru’ them
easy fellows open,
dagger the entrance

versed in falsehood chapter
insert random bullets,
suitable fanciful plumage
“all peacock distraction and rapture”

“enough to cause the folds of your
skin to hide you ostrich blind”

persuade the sun to turn blank

ease the miser onto a smile

there’s static gift beneath every skirt,
dirty dewdrops gather below each shirt,
replay, redo the mouth, reposition hurt
it’s all disposable between the legs

victim 3 dances
in her chosen molasses,
explicit voltage crackles
on the ordinary floor

she thinks in romances
his glance becomes elsewhere

betwixt the turning of
evening and the “bodies meant mauling”
thirteen had their heads spun
truly infection has begun

noose day
and the bed’s lamp is dead
an exhale of traffic
murder is already busy thru’ out his veins

in david’s head

how do you occupy silence?
refuse a sunbeam as it falls?
quiet begins to ache a thousand dead clocks

defiance as the world passes
ignoring people in their precipices,
whose to interrupt the sniper’s glance?

lifelong is aimed,
the space where narcotic seas are created
volts perform harm

entangled him in wrists,
repel the fly from fate
onto a gossamer dinner plate

snared thru’ words
and eyes that speak elsewhere,
deceived by the edges of a smile

beguiled by burden
and thumbs that page you,
continue with forecast of rain

insert twilight here
repeat medicines
defeat their sunshine work

against the crowd’s feud
lived lives thru’ a noose
become the sparse glitter of their gloom

hourly blossom swarms
psychedelic furred carnivals
fluttering panic
some barely float, some brim
some spiralling towards heaven,
most to the soil’s thirst
there to be consumed

there unravels him
thorn pointed against interrupted sky
time stood elapsed eclipsing then collapsing

“pin myself to the floor” he thought,
for weeds would follow and
scarce white fingers multiply
their nourishing touch

still is to limbo persist
not glancing nor to notice
funeral flotsam from tree spared rust,
this expired season covets
whilst the past always wants,
most dwell in precipice
until heartbeats vanish

ajar this chrysalis shroud

existence is the space between
ether and dreaming

if gazing is escaping
i’d replace every footstep ever meant,
every breath met with another, erase,
take down the landscape and
rewrite again this dull poem, brightly

first commit the blank page with understanding,
the idea is one with ink
so bleed freely like a pulled rib
blood uproots white thunder,
there’s bones to be added

i possess my own sea
the sky is yet built
for stars are tricky to incline
beyond three unfinished planets

a place where,
where the blades grow tall
skyscraper tall,
a place we could loose ourselves
for years

 lagoon where calms a ripple

the air is swooned
firefly ghosts,
the lake is gold gilt
apparition meant


hearts are
gasps of nectar,
mine is bereft
of usual swoon


the kiss is scorched
but gentle rain,
a father’s autumn
childhood defence

festoon me in brilliance
un-cobweb these frozen bones,
brightly lower me until
“white sculpture body glows”

sighs from
below stone and
ever flows wanting

between the space of once heartbeats
and skeleton relics

wipe angels from my brow,
quartz blood rejewel
with fire promises
my wish can thaw
and i renew
to nourish

sensing arrival
inert paths glisten,
dialogues pass me thru’

my worry
my mood
upon touching
become tranquil,


the last spirit remained
tho’ tantrums
posed missiles
and hatred well aimed

words meant
to maim,
destroyer of all
my yesterdays
collect gazing

voices called thru’
urging “to come back”
but nectar lids held tight,
my steel sky defensive won’t crack

i’m quiet here,
withered sounds do not scald me
or hit

white gloved
hand prints and
medicinal cooing,
the red lake i watch
is mine

gravity insists
and almost succeeds in
dragging back
what rightfully belongs on bone

the sigh is broken
sighs are brought to silence,
dull horizons are clues
upon pale wrists
for someone to notice

the serene edge i look beyond
pure purple mountains and
breath that beckons

another possession
another object to collect
spider artwork,
whatever will the gossip
garglers think?

 broad swords

one gaze has two edges
defiant amongst inquisition and
undoers of wrong

my most pink song
a muscle of a moan
yearns swooning of
stamen others, my gloom kept brothers

kept ‘neath sturdy lock
hidden under scowled frosts
and supple enchantment,
my facelessness has many necks

mine is folded neatly,
curled within most nourished bloom,
me? i’m a cancer clone
unbroken but somehow broke

never truly unfurled
unless the sea itself is written upon,
my shakespearian tribute
a serial secret

no enzyme could resolve
or protein alter,
my cradle slumber to epitaph wonder
is permanent hunger

inertia from lust’s spilt odour
each answer, each urge
upon damaged wings
unhappy colourful collars
repeating pointless masquerades

fake princes in
twilight’s grimace,
abrupt suits of honey
in bramble groped lairs

return that locust gaze
of my want,
appall my wanting bones
and abhorrent holes

the silence we all share
no breeze or comment will stir,
wasted by someone’s hurt
of those, many are cursed

my quiet has two edges
insecure and well roamed,
there’s pink in every neurone
here’s to the next beautiful wound

millisend’s spire

continue floors
beyond the horizon’s gape

incessant bickering
amongst clouds
as they sprawl
irksome overhead
rushing slow as
broken men
awkward from vodka’s bars,
all flurried tufts clasped
in chased chariots, drawn across
the roof of millisend’s
colossal mouth

silence is
remove the meniscus
of my sleep,
all else begins

a shimmer
on bright boughs,
a moonbeam pierces
thru’ out summer

repeat forever
at gossamer pace

the swallow is in rapture
in blue grey atlantic cascades,
i fall as you do
an arrow of wings thru’ sighs

there is a bud about to burst
it shoots colourful neck and mounts my pulse,
this moment of wonderful might hurt
rewarding patience to it’s thirst

now the heart is thick song
of upright ballads and birds of
bright poets

lean lemon sheets
bed clothes move
beautiful muscle,
there’s a build up of swans
an ache so sweetly anticipated
no moon could outdo your opal lozenge

the purpose of the stream
is to nourish freely
to cradle the milk sea i offer

beyond the sacrifice of yearning
this jagged planet repeats
the wheel

i am sprawled like
broken cake,
clues of where you have been
graffiti every inch of skin

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