12 dew creeped
with lit fingers,
spiders ensure
childhood lunches
horizon hinged with
fresh sunshine
penetrates the gazed gauze lids
stupor well from treacle
snared slumber
root deep where the fossils are bedded
the curled up angel could no more resist
than ignore flesh,
wend explicit proteins thru' quicksand
subduing haloes,
this body nasturtium choked and kept
a mouthful ocean roar
with waves ten inches tall
a salt poison swallow
i am secrecy
with you sprawled
icily across the
sand dune bed
were you trying temptation
ghost enticing fissures
for me to collect?
is this pretend or
disbelief that false
angels can resurrect?
"heaven towards you
i will send"
heartbeats across thin voltages
plunge until we maelstrom further
deafening constellations,
i'm sick of tomorrow's taste
murderous crushes
fire wrought rushes
onto icicle bayonets
did i notice?
not likely when the peacock is
in full tarnish
trespassing whispers move
in spider spun shawls
and the body falls
wedding itself newborn
to a wolf
oh it's warm,
aphids melt across
the hole you tore thru'
inward smiling
begins disguising
and throws caution
to a bullet's aim
i wonder if i will feel it's wake?
caught tide like throe
down sustaining honeyed depth
but cruel love
begins it's fade
like diminishing rain
guttering sliver screams
would that heartache
be so easy to wash away
it's fingerprint trace
13 "i am without
horizon" he said
these footsteps of mine
tend ordinary circles
repeating the same
concrete oceans
the spires are sharp still
and the crowds move
hunting for a kill,
monday is broken and
waits for emptiness
to be filled
self same sighs
doubts borne from cold interiors
are antigens of self loathing
come clone this daily hateful uproot,
how much more can aching allow?
say the sky cracking or love i must forsake
whose to love this tepid hearth?
the dust of once passionate flames,
love, where is that vermillion now?
the bed is empty,
body silence where
you slept
and gave occasion for
- i am butterflying onto a spider's bayonet -
eyes alert
this fallow expanse,
the odour that identifies clothes
like a reprimand or
sleep slivered haunting
that wants hurt to upturn and
murder the living room
caught disbelieving,
curdled daydreams orbit
blank bone theatres,
this blank planet
wants to be
fulfilled with stars
and other such protein oceans
wish me, wish me not, wish me please,
pretend you naked here
uncurled from oyster silence
rust ridden eye prints below eyelids
14 this head
kingdom, cobweb,
dark sleeps
it's bending wheels
cambers thought
to their incomplete
nowhere is a place
i'd love to visit
blinded blissful
raptures drip
tho' open eyed
i'd rather die
15 tonight, there is no other,
tomorrow breaks open
lucky dip of wounds,
tonight, entrails of saliva
in-between sober
quietly killed to
make heartbeats chloroform still
tonight the statue of my
stare iridesces
everywhere you lie
this gaunt night,
forever is minute long
swooned off my continual
axis, into the brown abhorrent abyss
silent throat upon it's groped petals
white explicit stuck whispers,
a sigh kept too long
happens to gasp
recurrent hummingbirds,
today becomes
why do i breathe for you at all?
this surrender of edges
where my silhouette suffers
it's own allegiance and you
begin, stood in your empty
ghost my lovely intent
resound, echo-shimmer-glisten,
smooth as you are
like a well earned drink
your snow is for frost keeping
seeps the insecure hinges,
tonight, slides in flesh knife
until tomorrow gapes it's tin horizon,
emptied yet whispered full
onto a thousand bodied littered slope,
all eyes glittering the same fucked stare, alone
and discarded
16 loathed to be left cold
the taste of you tingled
like electricity exposed,
the smell of love hangs
gently wafting it's corpse
under for scent to rise
explicit as a pose
confused with ghosts
i've lost you thru'
what seemed myself
the obvious flaw
aching and sorely wanting more
to soothe the rubble filled rivers
that flow thru' crooked
they sculpt ecstasy
hidden kisses
beneath the stiffened grasses,
lengthened shadow inks mosaics upon skin
smooth and sweet and foreboding,
upon lips completely slain
the air was majestic with stars
like a motorway scar full of headlights
blooms yield their secret keeping
and soil the sense to heighten protein kites,
the faintest beings yours is the one i
remember most
if only to soothe this knife filled river
it flows sharpened
17 desperation snows
steady and slow
aching somehow
long looks stare back ages
but nowhere's gaze is
a lengthy stay
to rot awhile whilst love
passes on by
grazed skies abandoned
forfeit with rain,
no birds fly now
unless so low
they are pinned to the ground
people swarms din thru' veins
as if their souls
are being replaced, louder,
and wall paper mouths
keep quiet from showing
their tongues
wordless touches in amongst
incessant hives,
set for honey all of their lives
but emptiness is a dish on
everyone's plate
it's jagged now, sharper now
when the first coldness
began to bite
wind teeth glide their steel
shivering thru' trees that shape them
stirring where dust yearns sleeping
and me, what of this pity?
glimpsing thru' the personal parades
a cold coffee in a cup of stains
wondering which rejection
to be impaled
the expanse of hours drag slow
nursing home deaths,
heat from hot breath wants escape
but fearful feelings might expose
what it most wants, perishes
and leaves grasping empty handed
now whose to watch me fall?
it's what i do best
glassy and glossy like
to be drunk behind your eyes
or tides
in your concealed heart
to understand why
icons on anorexic pages
i turn each victim
until their myths thicken
and explicit,
i am not like them but want adoring
it's a slow pyre that conceals
it burns out of rage
twisting, wishing, thinking
wanting more than anything
there is something so worthwhile
in hugging knees to the mouth
securing dreams, becoming smaller
it's the floor i always walk
as if my life could be summer
an adventure of flowers
but the path i wander is always scorched
and knows no other
should i tend to the fires
that gasp each day into
copied brightness?
i've branded you in every picture that
falls or slides or shows or draws
an exhibition of crooked
man shaped
upon every wall framed
with a tear to swallow all
i cannot free from it's wake
even now
i pin you in glassy lit cabinets
and hold you beneath sleeps
continuous membrane
i stir but never truly awake
18 protein conjure has
silence rapt
there's a glistened surfer -
thru' out my blood
splendid at first
the kiss did split me open
and rifle me with ambrosia tasting
the skin did fast ripen it's
red rushed hinge like a
crocus from seed to bud to bloom -
within the blink of an eyelash
this sugar song
ferments bliss
sublime seconds gasp
the feast of
eating it's
to ever-last
my body is all thumbs
talkative fingers
smudged honey form their tips
ignoring time as it drips
i've opened without a crowbar
or successive hits
no punch was needed
for me to exhibit
what fails to get touched
oh the possession of it all
pushes all skyward
into the mouthful bower
white mollusc tastes
until wonderful
truly bursts
19 when truth becomes
hidden masks
disappearing when asked,
can you see the rain
that lies there?
thistle enrobed hurt
where silhouettes
cloak, this lie has
a root of it's own
should the witherers
want a kill
i lie against those
glossy pages lit-hot-
firefly cages,
where is love now?
crooked and
insisting bent whispers
the devil would
approve of,
this city of adulterers
remind me
how pale i am
how inconsequential,
bird skins hold fortunes on
catwalks of the damned
this thirst
wanting to rid
the desert,
come lie your
bleak bones
but my hand is
alone with fire,
bend the mirror's
stare into what you
want to see there
a lover
a blush so
deeply crimson
touches fall in
the dewdrops
spilt there
my imaginary brother
and silence repairs
from being broken
where loneliness ghosts
it's chloroformed
empire, stood there
like a lightening struck
for the winds to
snarl by
or the ocean to
roar at,
these sublime pages
keep the synapses
and blindfolds
subdue this silence
there's hoodwink in
every creased shadow
a deceiver in every tall
pose, the lover
is rained upon, thwarted
and disposed
20 deceit is a clever coat
worn when spring is at it's most
wears concealed his favourite season
draped like intention
how does it feel?
how does it feel?
torn thru' by tearing
all wounds have grown into one
silhouette graspers wrap the concealed heart
how does it feel?
a kissed deep rose blade
a sigh thorns tourniquet
the heart from it's stem
sullen scapes
and impure horizons
to cut is deeper want
to rid the hollows of ghost and guest
my mind is still cutting
almost thru' each constellation
your postmortem of congealed blooms
night extends
it's cloying fingerprints
like suffocation
injuries soar cool jewelled seduction
till loneliness begins to whiten
this face
another taken space
fragrant with touches
punches in
familiar places
i'm sprawling waterfalls
ivy limbed and woken
for bites to increase friction
for teeth to leave insisting slices
once there were edges to summer
now daybreak begins to thunder
pain is sharp
possession of, makes us devote
so blinds us in our
false darks
how does one balance emptiness
across the mouth of a spilt cup?
should the sky during daylight blacken
should the oblivion of stars be reached
should desert flowers water weep
should this river become a slow empire of silt
my hunger would become
a thousand sleeping pills
21 blood
encouraged thru' rushed stems
as if white weather be,
discarding opals
for my swallowing brethren
sexual blisses
seed up peacock
albino certain splashes
it's treasure
some say poison
riddled with passion's brim
balancing upon pinpoints
or the breath that wagers seagulls
from their sturdy cliffs
floating above jagged amethyst
some are hit blissfully and plummet
seismic ripples
unsettle the forceful rhythm
it's bitter puddles
spray almost sweet-
i'm sick of clock persistence,
and bleached fingers come
to throttle the sun
it's noon now,
far from feeling numb
i yearn red yawned obsession
freely motorway flow
an explicit window
commit this fuck thru' buckled rainbows
sea hurtle
thru' until lids burst
expel your white winter worst
this addictive curse
22 nigh on five fold
it's slime walls surround me
around me like lips,
dark birds survey their gloom
whilst sunbeams pierce me thru'
openly drown me in
adolescent molasses
minds are rainfall
and storm howled words
hold the swarm
let not one bee go
or swallow a tornado
without being broke
night slips it's ebony blood
like a shawl across a carcass
around me like unsuitable skin
plied with moist serpents
to have such opal guns fire
how many glistened bullets
before i become too many
holes to hold together?
not quite yet
slick as a phantom's gilded grope
personal to the heart's damage
refuse the love that will cause the
gravest cut
slow unfolds
slow fingers
pry the white
and the surface
stirs to a moan
of crippled trumpets,
violet synapses hurtle
raw thunderbolts
into loneliness
those truly fucked are