it's ether i believe
i could breathe you,
i believe i could
drink it's final damnation
wonder is about to
be met
synapse and all
the heart knows
it's thunder and
soars with the
vocals of
intimate rivers
so want to
to run it's agile
sparkle all over
spiralling defiant edges
then plummeting into
slippery hair
persuasion ebbs
and rotten blooms
become sipped
the consequence of
muscle fires, connect
dewdrops against bodies
and kisses fall into
such deepness such
probes of wetness
from a mistaken
and breaths come
quicker than
dragonfly wings beat
in thru two rings
this ain’t no saturn
no numb circle
but a nude flower
for a muddy bee
a battered larder
of brown deluxe suede
no less pretty than
a furry triangle
either, dewdrops do
not taste well, one of
old harbours, the other
populations discarded
in thru’ will hurt hellish
like a red gunshot,
deface language
with ouch
applaud the heart’s dirty
furnish with burnt blood,
tether tide’s violence and
reassure wrists beyond the back
desired, you get
ripped at ballets and
moans to make thunder
absurd voltage each
serial insertion, mauve
constellations, white
firework palm like ignites
it’s tinder stick
a deluge of streaming stars
wonderful hot shards
firing shots up into heads
but never quite far enough
into the heart’s
breathe with
consuming me
killed toys by
massacred puzzles,
a clown slit grimace
night enters in
of stories, of
re-enacted pages,
recite the pirate’s
warning, there is no
corner of the sea
to conceal in
doll suitors patrol
the sheet’s edges,
where the slump of
bears appear sleeping
but are watchful
heroes are paused
to pounce from shelves,
there is insurgency to
command but
the room is deeper
ink as minutes
suicide from the
clock’s face
there by floorboard
creak, stealth
paws capture
the stairs
we know
you have changed shape
from the friend
we knew in the day
all with
tobacco teeth
bigger than
the ceiling
spider footfalls
thru’ out skin
dusk commits
to imprint us with
vanishing tattoos
until grotesque
heavenly burst
by lust countless same seed
i should be the clone of
your protection, a fatherly
shield from monsters
as snakes
then fidgety worms
burrowers to make
the eyes panic
bleak, black eyes croak
eats us whole
innocent ruiner
when complete, melts
backwards into night’s
avoiding stare,
well honeyed
returns to the wife
his dormant hive
our seams left open
nerve endings of shuddered
bolt lightening, and
creeping caresses
we do not shiver
we neither speak
nor rinse ourselves
with cleansing wishes
coveted by stuck sheets
and queasy moonbeam fingers
it’s time for dead sunrise
to echo the retreat of cloaks
as high as we wish we could be
to undark all hiding places
we try disguises
eyelids painted false eyes
encouraging our demise under sleep
should a predator decides to peek
this place of embellished touches
breathe without me
night bloom
melts into it’s own furnace scheme
a fluid given pose,
saturate mouths with honey
to have your heart held
small anchors first then roots unfurl,
begin to exert buds from each intruding
burst, until the feeling sickens
itself starts hurting
the blood’s magic is red
noise mosquito raucous hum, meet
the weather at it’s lightning
edge, haemoglobin becomes
fire, flares the hot river
from dusk insistent
velcro, hourly
eating whole the sun
it’s pouring thru’ the windows
and sliding up walls
like a funeral liquid
in softly guided waterfalls
obscure bloom
edible you
slowly opens
then un-reveal
you interrupt the mind’s
ash, eclipse defiant waking
wounds, induce my petaled
slick sea into shimmer happening
entire bloom
engulfs us all
muddy as a rotten brook
where the crooked stars shoot
twilight thread that weaves the spell
sun surrender, yawning jaw night
igniting sky-edges on fire,
almost shrouds senses weaken
suggestion seeps autumnal thumbs
twitching secure corpses, some are
dreamless, we are aliquots of nightmare
and wander thru’ foreseeable pitch and illnesses
slow phosphorous halo’s, slight fugitive
whispers start their storm roar,
our cradle liquids take to curious shaping
into falling tautness, a nocturne rigor mortis,
a rapture of swans slide thru’ minds
and my brethren ignite from the
black and the deeps
from torn terribles, it’s
uncontrollable dark
scorching halogen paths
a cup of stars begin to spill
each silver life spilled high and shrill
fall towards ever falling doors
a disappearance of rainbows
compasses lie across each heart
the ecstasy he may or not feel
until such shade began to depart
and from synapse iridescence
tendrils curl and twine him way beneath sleep,
he stirs to turn and becomes under the floor
and their children come from forests far
spinning webs from spider’s fur,
thru’ his face by chink or creased breath
his eyes ajar, a fountain of burning shards
radiant fingerprints ingot pinpoints
into the reaches of fleshes
and the blissful dead will not wake,
our thoughts, our limbs
stitch into the minds of mankind
and dreams most cinematic sprays,
reality hereby collapses
sculpting impassible spires
from ordinary choirs to sound their
solar wings into deafening
the sun builds from nightly pyres
garbed in morgue sprawled moths
that smother us before
dreams forsake and returns us
soon that dark is rid
and the cobweb latches part
from their bejewelled thatch,
bland boughs awake with
old furious song
songs from all beaks
but that reverse of slumber i
invert inches, deeply
lorded over ash, and lengthy
silhouettes where the
moon is quarter sent,
an appearing horizon met
and the sunlit roam
in raucous swarm
to mend or
to earn themselves a future
stir unsightly weathers
reason decides to sever
i’ve taken to shadow
and it’s soft sublime insides
like i upon dark tongue recline
guillotine the lovers as they lie
towards each collapsible sigh,
lament long dead whispers as
partners of mine
mirrors have sarcastic teeth
molars want to seethe and
bury me by reflective glare
a photograph ached sliver
a good man gone bad crooked sunbeam
crease the wind’s shrieking,
undo everything, un-still the stillborn
sellotape a thousand shard shattering
it’s dream that takes me up the hooded stair
to the cobweb floor a room so bare
save one white wilting actress flower
tear bound to a feeling that will not happen
shake the stems from their thoughts
upon each edge let burst
quietly curl a neatly packed storm,
backwards fall thru’ hourglass
when the mind’s map imprint
decides it’s time to mosaic
into another decipher, ripple upon pond
like swarm upon nerve, and be cursed
world’s end falls sparkling rain
slow consumable cascades
glittering needles, long live their pain
halt a river’s touching, make it well again
but all you do is sit
troll insisting and disinterested
upon poor excuses mirrors
that puddle
no rainbow guess or lucky suicide dip
a silver revolver aims to kill
like i am lost from your kiss
so fill me with your bullets as i
narrow precipice
and on that puddle that
reflects only truth
afloat yet drowning
feather fragile thought
a frond broken by love
caterpillar heart
the consequence of loving
oh vein of my heart
shape change desire-me-knots
is to know where i stand
pulled by quicksand
where countless angels are sucked
pretend plastic colourful masks
covert eyes, afraid to ask,
now whose feigning
a worthwhile word of oozing
and dare be said love?
stillborn ruin
fish without fins falsify for you
whispering eddies and cold statue blood
vein of my wrought heart
feels your deep instilled pulse
resurrect love in all it’s matt guises
the surge of fingers pulling at flesh
like petals torn off flower heads,
though no grenades sigh
i feel honey raptured as if stung tonight
me in your capillary archives
tangled in adamant skies
it’s too late
in you i have cracked
i’ll break your butterfly wings
to catch the caterpillar back
listen for the mushroom’s pause
inert breaths suspended
a gossamer watcher
of quiet
stir the dream denied sleeper
those moonbeam slopes that keep her
quietly as water stillness in a glass
her slumber doesn’t crack
will it fragment
at a silhouette’s touching?
root thru’ her like roots
would anchor at soil
rainbows slide in, a shimmering spire
blows the startled shoulders
do not deny him any deeper
allow such colours uncurling timely breather
i am the river that weeps him
and tingles shocks across her
your worlds are mine to hold
your flesh, your bones
my keeps, pip within stone
kept safe, kept from roaming
seaweed chains
a cancer crab
crawls drowned faces
all splashing fins
surging pearls and
mermaid bedazzle skins
driftwood limbs
in barnacle clothes
bound to swell
the ocean’s habit is
sucking this glitter cargo down
where prisms salty build
and kingdoms sand dune drone, muffled under
shell beds and
comfortable silt waits
your flesh to wilt
rush away love
well under wave
foam and more shipwrecked
in your whispers drift again
eyes white lit foams
and coral wanting mouths
no kisses of mine
will come to waste
no breath of mine
will come to fade,
memories fasten to take fond shape
tumbling insanely whims
loose like flowers
gently petal fall,
dew upon skin
barracked aphid sprawl
silvery steepled voices
inside call never on addictive snooze,
silhouetted notes loud to blow
you are the sky where comets fold
the tree snagging winds that
untidy chaos further
asylum where my sought after
wings are snared, throat of
seeds shared with no one,
your geology murmur
my landscape my mutter
muffled to your rhythmic thumbs
undo the mask
to find another,
another labyrinth
unhinge it’s hidden
a clandestine path
and wonder met
but was it meant?
touches underneath
slumber, wants the highest
kite to out distance thunder
but every wandered kiss
is brittle, and such lips
sometimes i want to
vanish my heart’s
why is dark so full of nooses
and soul compliant bruises?
a skeleton rose invites all
to it’s perfumed bones
so hang from it’s sharp stem
it’s maddening, meander scent
has me kept
the cabinets from his flesh
all swooning vines madly drives
each wish tumbling insanely whims
try, i tried
to push him miles in,
all he does is silhouette
and twist gnarled shade roots
merely inches in
forever frost
forever frost
and thru’ it’s pitch heart
like falling thru’
netherworld veils
of dead fingerprints
whispering sweet black nothings
calling you
from intimate forever
thru’ aged cobweb
where skies are always
emptiness brims
and is slow to ebb,
beneath quick reminding
dead eyes pierce dull stars
into blissful black night,
wished for honey or something sweeter to begin
to make the mind all the more sickened
atom by sheer atom of shadow’s skin
reminders of what could have been
of laughter and cupid’s artful theatre
a song that builds higher with each stupor
frost unworthy landscapes
an algorithm of pale people ghost their own
melancholic senses,
skeletal pines leant against a frozen lake
men so cold from each sigh
a snow bound promise of lies
a wooden face meandered by hail
aching bold worthless knots
a smile from wintry morn
a smile of splinters
why doesn’t he come in?
too afraid of what the frost
might do and
covet him