headful of blaring
i’m dashing whilst
horizontal stood
don’t feel the dust
begin or the usurped
collars of spider’s web,
inches aren’t communicating
as if the floor was quite dead
it’s there i was found in the
pose of a shell, outside
unfurls tantrums
this deadness it’s the best
it’s how to un-feel, neither
shore striding or in the
wet of obsolete drowning
i hate the resourcefulness
of others, they mutter
injections and try to clear
the muddy waters i’m
involved in
too far down my climate assures,
none shall be resolving the bent
puzzle, the blank neutered expression,
sadness someone ignites
undo all doors, try pressing the
sky’s doable lid, “you can’t” i
holler in absolute whiteness of
silence and stiffness
down here a blissful lifelessness
it’s wonderful cadaver of quite
broken daylight, i’m swirled with
migraine flavourings
admit me further into the hostile
glare, kindness is disinfected here
but hands are quick searching and
seek for this ruin of disobedient atoms
to repair, to reinvigorate the
dismantle, but i was quite
thorough, i grimaced the edges
and made blood tire
am floated with a description of
glassy fragmented manta rays
they thrive in those diminishing
as if the walls are being squeezed
out, and the machine is being
asked to defeat itself, now is
beyond a blankness quite unknown
waking hour
snowy deep ceiling
renditions of creaks, thuds
and muffled footstep thunder
and thru’ wakefulness
caffeine holds theatrical
patrols are rhythms upon
membranes cluttering the
fewer clusters of quiet
diminish me further with
eyelids like tracing paper
pinned wide to open fullest
above has groans narrow
in residence in such bones
iridescent lovers crackle
i snarl and tear their
continuous faces to
mask my own
their gasps are outrageous
butterflies-set-alight, could
be a comet outright
shuddered blissfulness
abandon their wet skies
and drift slowness onto
stood gazing
i’m drifting thru’
bleak hills of
waiting for the oceans
to still to meniscus quieten
when breaths become
watchful, become hushed
atoms of reestablishing
are crushed
there’s a requiem
of loneliness and
anchor-less with no
width to reach for so
plummeting continues
where swooned beasts
shove pale horizons
the noise of time is loudly
and prefers to threaten,
there are floor theatres where
music aches and disperses
it’s moan-full-ness
antique sighs
kept for being stale, rotting
every souvenir yesterday
too many roads
have pulled me, nowhere seems
a stance rooted to
like a cross upon this offal-opal
disgruntled bed
where no other touch discovers
outside is being strode about by
percussion and strobed, not near
to the maelstrom of flickers that
cinemas here inside
their intruding
like sticky rain thru’ unguarded eyefuls
i blink these stains and bloom it’s
thirst-ful-ness, a-flower-gulping-scant-desert-
gashed open by lightning,
stiff drizzle continues
sticking to the geology of flesh
harm to be so far from this infectious
heart, within it’s own heartbeat scratch
the walls redder, i always awe, i
always succumb
exist as exits feelings in
morasses of molasses and unhappy
unkind places
their fingers like sad
irises sway and push into every
owned calcium
if only sleep would
swathe i could fall, the
cinder hot duvet squeezes
tho’ midnight is rubbed black the
mind acquires daylight, and it
blazes, morning comes along
dazed and my rise is
slow witted
my head labyrinths
stark corridors
a gossamer stair
a stairwell plummets
where the devil
could occupy
the sky where no
oxygen mutters,
membranes the
lid of stars
resemble a
peered thru’
decide where
hate is nourished
and love confides
in it’s magma
partitions the bleak
strangle of
murmur of files
like a drone of
entire universes
hum with music
from their see-thru’
atoms resurrect
aired to complete
idea spires
or invented to
serve unbreakable
all are coveted
in deep, fractured cots
of swarming voltages
there are terrible
images that need
to be slain
the habit of eyes
to take copies
glances of fragments
are witnessed yet
won’t explain their winter
bury their cruel
televisions, insist the
ravine ingests all
that hallway thru’
the throat where
kisses won’t fall
the heart knows it’s
kill, and lacerates
with thrown up comets
with daggers blunt
as meteors
head-spill, habitual
galaxies pulled to
their obsolete broken
it’s where the fences
are rebuilt, splinters
sometimes the sighs
howl most, i’m being
butterfly’d against -
abrupt deaths, they shudder
the sketches i have seized
from blood
what am i but the outside
i have seen and endured,
often i am thwarted roads
too many directions, a
confusion of wires says
anywhere is not the
moment i am in, i
observe only this
defeated constellation
and the daft mountains
that are paid to archive
a seam of promise
some ideas have tigers
or birds full of swallowed
prisms so bright that crowds
once written follow, adoring
as sweat to a garment clings
swarms of investigate, tumbling
their bee curiosity thru’ out
purchasing, upon every word
that was born to give birth to,
if allowed i would be ripped out
but i haven’t congealed with
stardom, i’m more obscure
than hid, starless even, there
is no width in elsewhere’s interest,
comes the unnamed coffin lid
most are here, unpopular and
never revisited, i wrote my soul
for you to ignore, a script of my
most private verse no god would
respond to or publisher tongue invite
and minutes spoil themselves wasteful
tipping time from tuesday, this day is
a hole, uneventful, i’m trying to persevere
the granite forest, to build sighs from
cadavers but words aren’t pliable coming
thru’ into bland thursday, i don’t know where
previous went, the page is white unbearable
snowflakes, i’m waiting for fox bronze paw prints
or a spider’s mortuary at least, no gleam
no cranial lightning strike
all those constellations lay buried
where the past mattered, what’s to
dig these stars out? to
energise the ravine?
write yourself into the drink of the sea
but the pen is sober
undoing a person
why is sadness blue into
persuasion? making
further melancholy
stiff mountains and
implausible to kindness
impassable to touches
i’ve had this head that low
it outdoes stickier shadow
punctures as a gaoler would
trying out it’s assassin, rots
around me as a scowl
it’s grief turned inside blacken
bleak as limitless burden, untie
the root that seldom thirsts or
seeks to search explanation,
i’ve slept underneath that ocean
this is why broken is, it’s a
dark, dark opium, it replenishes
cadavers with awful ink,
pin cushions these mannequins
whilst living is prohibited
accept me as i am ten
thousand sires of fragments
all displacing or reconnecting
ambushes, a slow murder
whilst waking
my mind is as lean as a
newly carved rib, polished
even with a sky the colour
of rain, obese with fat fallen
thumbs, all exerting
pushing upon as suffocation
would say a taut pillow for
the cot’s occupant to be rid,
there’s chasing by medicinal
horizons, assaulted by opinion
do not accept the white crow
it has a serpent wound
heart, do not like the
stranger’s attempt it will
only be medicated
and the blood is sighed sad
where so many faces are
adrift, wrecks almost and
quite quite lost, who steals
the heart’s mountainous
yearning? who makes life
thinner and more jagged
dance thru’? “i was once”
he admitted but now, now
am entirely strewn