— take from this what you will —
feed me something
even -
if it’s the stars from
your soul,
feed me
your oxygen atoms
for hands
i become
a dragon
inside of your
mouth, mauve
caves both
mauve into
could have been
the moon
across my
fern swayed
hillside, could
have held me
in starry breath
in darkly
written skies
feint voices
rise, names
of, their initials
shall fade and
fade, old trees
seem stubborn
to time, but your
kiss of once
fragile as smoke
made into
broken shaped
when ghosts
become clear
become glass
i see you in the forgotten hillsides
i gaze you
in the past
that house
of voices
now collapse
rubble of
frames half torn
pictures, and muted photographs
i was then
a motorway shimmered
with what blazes you gave me
red into
molten tigers
dash their sugarless cages
i was caramel
lazed there, in
swollen words
capsized in
the deep dunes
in the waves of a smile
what made room
for the root and
grew itself into
a tongue, into
love, into torsion
absurd as a head spun dive a rollercoaster’s swan upwards then veering in hell’s ocean, a conversation words thrown into mirrors
there are seeds
that own pale
speeches, can
necklace or be
groans of tides
i found out love,
a carving of a
precipice, had
many, many
throats, hallways
of lost faces,
discarded crushes
rubbles of
filled eyes, they had
been dosed with
tarnishes, and
what was swans
pulled apart milk
from their dowsed
feathers, i set aside
love like it was
broken cutlery, it
had a mantlepiece
a museum of their
sucked out heads,
a door that closes
backwards where
failure labyrinths
memories are
seized moments,
catches of, a person
kept as a picture
or a touch remembered
as dew adrift upon a
slope, i museum ghosts
quick as glass their
light creases thru
had is what life is
reels of, circles as
we have met twice,
i re-memorise your
taste, immortalise
each thought’s smell
make them apple
into sunbeam bursts, the
dapple of, try not forget
half of the other not found. searched the pale blue scenery, moats of clouds, trees whispering each other goodbye, haven’t met the mirror to find clues or to undo the puzzle of lonely, there up there a cloud shaped as a fierce pike, an umbrella is another, those emptied as persons have painted glass for stares and are often faraway with gazing, i am coffee marooned on my second then third dive into its caffeine illusion, words thrive about my silence, god resits at a nearby table recites from a book of deep pages, relearning a river’s line, would you ensure my world stays glowed? soar me, trip the volcano? he straightens and leaves by the least near exit, who is to roam my want now?
adolescent crouches
trying, trying to navigate
its opaque something
filling out into unknown
shape, crayon in the
ideas to an almost colour-
full landscape
tears drawn from darkened
places, now to choose my
face, whoever i am